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On Campus and Off Campus Resources

Austin Peay State University and the City of Clarksville all offer other important resources to the survivors of sexual assault, domestic assault, dating violence, or stalking, including medical treatment, counseling services, and advocacy that survivors may wish to utilize. 

The following 365bet employees and on campus offices can assist members of the 365bet community in considering their options and navigating through any resources or recourse they may elect to pursue. 

A survivor need not formally report an incident of sexual assault, domestic violence, dating violence, or stalking to law enforcement or Austin Peay State University in order to access the following resources.

Dean of Students
Office of Student Affairs, Morgan University Center Room 206


Student Counseling Center
Ard Building, 524 College Street

Housing, Residence Life
Miller Hall Room 121 
Title IX Coordinator
Browning Room 2 


Other Off Campus Resources can be found in the Clery Report on 365bet Public Safety's website.