

这些信息包含在学生手册中 & 日历.




奥斯汀佩伊州立大学 strictly prohibits the use, possession, or distribution 酒精和其他违禁药物. 参见365bet政策:7:005,3:006和学生守则 行为.


奥斯汀佩伊州立大学的基本宗旨是培养受过教育的人 女性有能力有效而明智地运用自己的能力. 课程和课外活动 大学的各项活动是通往智力成熟的途径,也是通往成功的途径 development of ideas, insights, values and competencies which form a permanent, personal 思考和行动的能力. 大学努力提供一个环境 for students to construct their own education and to acquire the means of making self-education 这是一生中最有价值的事业,使他们成为有效的代理人 社会变革. 一个没有非法或滥用酒精或其他物质的环境 药物学术团体成员鼓励这种教育发展. Therefore, 奥斯汀佩伊州立大学 is committed to having a campus that is free 酒精和其他药物的滥用.

In keeping with its primary purpose, Austin Peay will utilize educational strategies 作为解决酒精和其他药物使用问题的主要方法. ……很重要。 however, that everyone be aware that any member of the University community who uses illegal drugs or abuses any drug including alcohol may be subject to prosecution and punishment 由民政当局和大学的纪律处分程序. Austin Peay’s interest in punishing off结束ers is not punitive but rather to establish 明确校园社区所有成员的行为限制. 这个政策 不要惩罚那些寻求康复的人. 所有的信息都是由 自愿接受酒精或其他药物咨询或康复治疗 服务将是保密的. 它不会被用来反对个人寻求 援助.


本机构的政策是禁止非法制造,销售, acquisition, possession, or use of alcohol and illegal drugs on the 365bet campus, on property owned or controlled by 365bet, or as part of any activity of 365bet is strictly 禁止.

Austin Peay is dedicated to the pursuit and dissemination of knowledge and, as such, expects all members of the academic community to behave in a manner conducive to that 结束.必须保持个人和职业行为的最高标准 教职员工和学生. 酗酒非法或滥用酒精或其他药物 by members of the University community adversely affects the mission of the University 是被禁止的. 因此,奥斯汀佩伊州立大学采取以下措施 政策,符合联邦,州和地方法律.该政策旨在实现 以下

  1. 通过强有力的教育工作防止药物滥用;
  2. Encourage and facilitate the use of counseling services and rehabilitation programs by those members of the University community who require 援助 in stopping substance abuse; and,
  3. Discipline appropriately those members of the University community who engage in illegal 药物性精神


In keeping with its primary mission of education, Austin Peay will conduct a strong 旨在防止滥用药物和非法使用药物或酒精的教育方案. 教育al efforts shall be directed toward all members of the University community and will include information about the incompatibility of the use or sale of illegal 与365bet目标有关的物质,与非法药物有关的健康危害 或者酒精使用,药物滥用与最大成就的不相容 教育,职业和其他个人目标以及潜在的法律后果 与非法毒品或酒精有关.


Those students, faculty and staff who seek 援助 with a substance abuse-related 问题应提供有关酒精和其他药物的咨询信息 以及康复服务,这是通过365bet和社区组织提供的. Those who voluntarily avail themselves of University services shall be assured that 应遵守适用的专业保密标准.


学生, faculty and staff are responsible, as citizens, for knowing about and complying 根据《365bet》第39卷第17章第4部分的规定 持有、销售、运送、制造集体认定的毒品的犯罪 的“管制物质”.C.A. § 39-17-402 -- § 39-17-416.  任何一个 University community who violates those laws is subject both to prosecution and punishment 由民政当局和大学的纪律处分程序.

使用或持有酒精的365bet学生,教师和工作人员 饮料将按照田纳西州法律的规定, within the regulations of 奥斯汀佩伊州立大学 and live in a manner that does 不要扰乱别人的生活. 行为超出这些界限的人 须遵守大学的司法规则及程序.

It is not “double jeopardy” for both the civil authorities and the University to proceed 惩罚:针对并惩罚某人的同一特定行为. 大学将发起 its own disciplinary proceeding against a student or employee when the alleged conduct 会影响大学的利益. 制裁将由 the University in accordance with this policy, 工作人员 Handbook, 教师 Handbook, Code 学生行为及其他适当的大学政策.

学生, faculty, and staff members of 365bet with substance abuse problems are encouraged to take advantage of available diagnostic, referral, counseling and prevention services. 然而,利用这些服务的员工和学生将不会 granted special privileges and exemptions from standard academic and student conduct 需求. 奥斯汀·皮伊不会原谅员工的不当行为 以及那些因吸毒而判断力受损的学生.

(This includes regular and temporary employees, student employees and employees working 根据联邦合同或拨款的指导方针在大学工作. 遵守 the policy is considered a condition 的就业 under the terms of the employment.)

As a condition 的就业, each employee must abide by the terms of this statement and must notify the director of Human Resources of any criminal drug statute conviction for a violation occurring in the workplace no later than five days after such conviction. Failure to provide notification within five days after conviction will result in termination 的就业. 定罪包括认定有罪,无抗辩请求, 或任何州或联邦司法机构的判决. 可能的纪律 对不遵守本声明的处罚,除通知外,可 包括以下一项或多项. termination; 2. suspension; 3. 强制性的 participation in, and satisfactory completion of, a substance abuse program or rehabilitation program; 和图4. 专业咨询建议.


(This shall mean any person who is registered for study at 奥斯汀佩伊州立大学 对于任何学术时期. 任何人在任何时期都应被视为学生 that follows the 结束 of an academic period which the student has completed until the last day for registration for the next succeeding regular academic period and during 学生休学期间.)

可能的纪律 sanctions for failure to comply with the terms of this statement 可能包括以下一个或多个:1. expulsion; 2. suspension; 3. 缓刑; 和图4. 强制性教育项目.

In addition to the above, students may be required to participate in, and satisfactorily 完成药物滥用计划或康复计划. 最后,除了 to imposed University sanctions, a student may be referred for criminal prosecution. As a condition for receiving federal Title IV financial aid, each student must certify that he/she will not engage in the unlawful manufacture, distribution, dispensation, possession, or use of a controlled substance and must notify the director of Student 任何定罪的经济资助,在定罪后五天内. 一个学生 被判违反规定的人可能会失去联邦政府资助的资金 根据《365bet》,学生可能会受到纪律处分.

有关365bet酒精和其他药物理念的更多信息,请访问: http://www.阿卜苏.edu/student-affairs/dean-of-students/alcohol-and-other-drug-philsophy/index.php.

奥斯汀佩伊州立大学认识到学生,家长和大学 are in a partnership in which each has the responsibility of promoting a healthy and 富有成效的教育经历. 大学纪律程序的存在是为了提供 corrective action that is educational and developmental, to protect the campus community, 并维持一个有利于学习的环境. 违反了365bet酒精规定 而毒品政策可能会削弱这种学习环境. 我们相信父母可以 assist students in fulfilling their educational goals through the use of open dialogue.

 T.C.A. §49-7-146要求奥斯汀皮伊州立大学通知其父母或监护人 guardians of students under the age of 21 when those students are found responsible 因为与酒精和毒品有关的罪行. 此外,可能会联系家长/监护人 in any instance in which the health or safety of the student has been threatened either 通过学生自己的行为或他人的行为.